NHAZCA's InSAR technology
a revolution in pinpoint environmental monitoring
What is InSAR?
Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is a valuable technique for estimating surface deformation processes using sensors installed on satellite (A-DInSAR) and ground (TInSAR) platforms.
In other words, InSAR technology allows you to analyze even the smallest changes in the terrain with extreme accuracy on a large scale through remote sensing. This innovative approach opens new frontiers in the understanding of geological phenomena, allowing you to monitor large areas in unprecedented detail

Satellite InSAR and its applications
One of the applications of satellite InSAR is to measure the historical deformation of an area, thanks to the availability of satellite images since 1992. In addition, the characteristics of the new generation of satellites allow remote sensing and monitoring of land and structures with shorter acquisition intervals. Recent advanced interferometric techniques (A-DInSAR) take advantage of the natural presence of anthropogenic (buildings, artifacts, infrastructure) and natural (exposed rocks, homogeneous portions of land) features in the area to provide reliable measurement points from which to obtain highly accurate displacement time series.
The state-of-the-art algorithms developed by NHAZCA allow customized applications for various purposes, such as
- Land use planning
- Urban planning
- Slope stability assessment
- Monitoring of subsidence processes (e.g. due to oil, gas or water extraction)
- Monitoring of large structures and infrastructure (dams, buildings, highways, viaducts, etc.)
- Monitoring of ground deformation caused by underground excavations, monitoring of seismic and volcanic activity.
TInSAR and its applications
In addition to satellite sensors, ground-based sensors are used for various monitoring applications. Terrestrial SAR interferometry (TInSAR) is a technique for monitoring displacements of anthropogenic (structures and infrastructure) and natural features (landslides, rock slopes, volcanoes, etc.). The high accuracy of the measurements without the need to install artificial reflectors and the high sampling rate allow the simultaneous acquisition of information on the entire scenario radiated by the sensor with sub-millimeter accuracy.
Thanks to the SAR configuration (which involves the movement of the radar sensor along a track) and special algorithms developed by NHAZCA, which allow the integration with 3D models obtained through compendium laser scanner surveys, three-dimensional displacement maps can be obtained for the characterization and perimeter of unstable sectors.
Furthermore, using the TInRAR (Real Aperture Radar) configuration, an interferometry-based system for remote static and dynamic analysis, NHAZCA is able to perform structural health and infrastructure monitoring of bridges, ancient masonry towers, etc., identifying the modal parameters of the structures under study. Through rapid installation protocols and the development of TRIVIA, the proprietary data processing software, NHAZCA is able to provide active remote sensing services for various applications, including early warning for civil protection purposes.
The advantages of satellite SAR interferometry
The first fundamental advantage of satellite SAR interferometry is its ability to provide high-precision measurements, with a level of accuracy that can reach millimeters. The accuracy of InSAR is linked to the ability to perform in-depth historical analysis of ground motions, taking advantage of a vast archive of radar images dating back to 1992.
This aspect allows us to monitor current surface deformation, but also to follow the evolution of these processes over time, reconstructing a complete and detailed view of geological phenomena
Access to such extensive historical data allows us to identify trends, assess risks more accurately, and plan mitigation measures based on historical evidence. In addition, the ability of next-generation satellites to acquire data at short intervals enhances our ability to continuously monitor at-risk areas, making satellite SAR interferometry an indispensable tool for advanced land management and infrastructure protection.
Our Satellite tools
NHAZCA uses a suite of satellite instruments to provide precise and detailed ground motion monitoring on a global scale. These instruments allow us to collect high-resolution data useful for surface deformation analysis and geologic hazard assessment.
InSAR Visualization Tool
The InSAR Visualization Tool is our web-based monitoring data distribution platform that allows you to explore interferometric products and analyze each measurement point by viewing displacement time series.
The platform supports a variety of monitoring data types acquired with different types of monitoring systems and offers the ability to manage complex projects, thanks in part to its customizable and user-friendly interface.
PS ToolBox
PS ToolBox is a GIS plugin designed and developed by NHAZCA for the post-processing of InSAR data.
The plugin includes a set of tools for spatialization, integration and interactive analysis of PSI data, such as:
- Interpolation
- KMZ export
- Filtering
- Interferometric sections
- Linear infrastructure – interference analysis
- Vector decomposition – from ascending and descending orbit datasets
- PS PS Time Series – enhanced visualization tool
- Trend Change Detection – analysis of displacement time series.
Our Satellite tools
NHAZCA uses a suite of satellite instruments to provide precise and detailed ground motion monitoring on a global scale. These instruments allow us to collect high-resolution data useful for surface deformation analysis and geologic hazard assessment.
InSAR visualization tool
The InSAR Visualization Tool is our web-based monitoring data distribution platform that allows you to explore interferometric products and analyze each measurement point by viewing displacement time series.
The platform supports a variety of monitoring data types acquired with different types of monitoring systems and offers the ability to manage complex projects, thanks in part to its customizable and user-friendly interface.
PS ToolBox
- Interpolation
- KMZ export
- Filtering
- Interferometric sections
- Linear infrastructure – interference analysis
- Vector decomposition – from ascending and descending orbit datasets
- PS PS Time Series – enhanced visualization tool
- Trend Change Detection – analysis of displacement time series.
Our terrestrial tools
In addition to satellite instruments, NHAZCA has terrestrial instruments that further extend monitoring and analysis capabilities. All of our technologies are useful for monitoring structures and infrastructure such as buildings, bridges, dams, and slopes, providing precise measurements of displacements and deformations with sub-millimeter accuracy.
TRIVIA - Terrestrial Radar Interferometry Visualization and Analysis
TRIVIA software is the result of more than 10 years of Terrestrial SAR interferometry experience gained from dozens of projects on landslides, dams, rock faces, bridges, buildings and more.
The software can perform advanced analysis of terrestrial SAR imagery by processing data from various radar manufacturers such as IDS GeoRadar, MetaSensing and Echoes.
With TRIVIA, NHAZCA is able to provide customers with superior real-time data processing capabilities.
QUIB – Quick Installation Basemen
The QUIB is a modular and easily transportable metal basement, designed and manufactured by NHAZCA, which allows a monitoring platform with InSAR support infrastructure to be installed very quickly (about 2 hours).
The entire installed system has a maximum footprint of 280 x 60 cm and a height of about 2 m. The QUIB is also equipped with a height adjustment system, making it adaptable to any installation site and support surface. The system can also be fully enclosed with polycarbonate or wooden panels to ensure maximum protection of the instrumentation.
In addition, the rigorous technical solutions to which this device has been designed, meet the requirements of the emergency protocols developed by NHAZCA for civil protection purpose
RAPS – Remote Area Power Supply
RAPS is a power supply system for the InSAR instrumentation, consisting of a modular stand-alone photovoltaic system, storage batteries that store the excess energy produced during sunlight hours to be available at different times of the day, and a backup electric generator (genset) so that the facility can always be powered, even in emergencies.
This allows RAPS to produce electricity to power the TInSAR system even in remote areas. Thanks to an ad hoc energy box built to manage the system, the status of the equipment and the total charge of the system can be continuously monitored remotely.
Corner Reflector
As part of its monitoring services, NHAZCA offers the supply and installation of newly developed artificial reflectors (corner reflectors) that can also be used for satellite InSAR analysis
Corner reflectors are passive targets designed to provide stable InSAR signal enhancement over time, allowing for highly accurate displacement measurements. They are metallic devices that require no power and/or maintenance once installed, and their characteristics (material, shape, and size) allow them to be deployed in strategic areas to provide accurate displacement time series. This capability is particularly valuable in improving the effectiveness of scattering, especially in areas characterized by the absence or scarcity of natural reflectors.
Our terrestrial tools
In addition to satellite instruments, NHAZCA has terrestrial instruments that further extend monitoring and analysis capabilities. All of our technologies are useful for monitoring structures and infrastructure such as buildings, bridges, dams, and slopes, providing precise measurements of displacements and deformations with sub-millimeter accuracy.
TRIVIA – Terrestrial Radar Interferometry VIsualization and Analysis
The software can perform advanced analysis of terrestrial SAR imagery by processing data from various radar manufacturers such as IDS GeoRadar, MetaSensing and Echoes.
With TRIVIA, NHAZCA is able to provide customers with superior real-time data processing capabilities.
QUIB – Quick Installation Basemen
The QUIB is a modular and easily transportable metal basement, designed and manufactured by NHAZCA, which allows a monitoring platform with InSAR support infrastructure to be installed very quickly (about 2 hours).
The entire installed system has a maximum footprint of 280 x 60 cm and a height of about 2 m. The QUIB is also equipped with a height adjustment system, making it adaptable to any installation site and support surface. The system can also be fully enclosed with polycarbonate or wooden panels to ensure maximum protection of the instrumentation.
In addition, the rigorous technical solutions to which this device has been designed, meet the requirements of the emergency protocols developed by NHAZCA for civil protection purposes
RAPS – Remote Area Power Supply
RAPS is a power supply system for the InSAR instrumentation, consisting of a modular stand-alone photovoltaic system, storage batteries that store the excess energy produced during sunlight hours to be available at different times of the day, and a backup electric generator (genset) so that the facility can always be powered, even in emergencies.
This allows RAPS to produce electricity to power the TInSAR system even in remote areas. Thanks to an ad hoc energy box built to manage the system, the status of the equipment and the total charge of the system can be continuously monitored remotely
Corner Reflector
As part of its monitoring services, NHAZCA offers the supply and installation of newly developed artificial reflectors (corner reflectors) that can also be used for satellite InSAR analysis.
Corner reflectors are passive targets designed to provide stable InSAR signal enhancement over time, allowing for highly accurate displacement measurements. They are metallic devices that require no power and/or maintenance once installed, and their characteristics (material, shape, and size) allow them to be deployed in strategic areas to provide accurate displacement time series. This capability is particularly valuable in improving the effectiveness of scattering, especially in areas characterized by the absence or scarcity of natural reflectors.
Industrial partnership in IRIDE program
NHAZCA is part of the winning team of the IRIDE program, managed by the European Space Agency (ESA) with the support of the Italian Space Agency (ASI), which will be completed by 2026. In particular, NHAZCA, in a group led by e-GEOS (ASI/Telespazio) and in collaboration with other key partners, will contribute to support the Ground Motion and Emergency thematic areas. NHAZCA’s active participation in the IRIDE program is a unique opportunity to support communities and governments in improving the safety and resilience of infrastructure.

Why choose NHAZCA
When you choose NHAZCA for InSAR applications, you can count on the support of a multidisciplinary team of experts specializing in geotechnical monitoring and natural hazards management.